Bismarck State College Celebrating 75 Years

MDU Community Bowl

Bismarck State College is celebrating its 75th anniversary this year. To commemorate the occasion, BSC is hosting a party at the MDU Resources Community Bowl on August 23 with fireworks, activities, games, and live music. Musicians include Gefroh Brothers, Preston Schmidt, The Relics, and PopRocks.

Bismarck State College (as Bismarck Junior College) was founded in 1939. Until moving into its own facility on the Capitol grounds in 1955, BJC was housed inside Bismarck High School. It relocated to its current campus location on Meadowlark Hill, on land donated by local entrepreneur Harold Schafer,  with the opening of Schafer Hall in 1961

In 1984, Bismarck Junior College became part of North Dakota’s system of higher education, making it possible to enable partnerships with other state colleges and universities. It took on its Bismarck “State” College name in 1987. BSC began offering its first Bachelor-level degree, in Energy Management, in 2007.

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