I came up with the Zimmerman Concept of selling furniture while in Dickinson. We had a furniture store that operated like everyone else. We had a different sale almost weekly. Frankly, I got tired of the games that are played when you are a store that runs sales and promotions. So I came up with the new Zimmerman Concept: which is to have no sales, but rather offer the customers a true, everyday low price, that is really low, not just more words.
Our philosophy is to offer quality brands at a value price “Everyday”. We do not mark things up, and then mark a few selected items down and call it a sale.
Every item is sold at the Lowest Possible Price, “Everyday”. I believe that anyone should be able to buy any item we carry at the same price, not depending on what day of the week it is or anything else. I also believe that the customer should be able to take their time and shop for what they want and not be rushed into making a decision on something they are not sure about, because of a sale deadline.
At Zimmerman’s we will not and we have not compromised our integrity to make a sale. All of our employees are very important because I know without good, loyal people, there is no business. My wife and I want Zimmerman’s to be a household name in North Dakota, and we want our children and their children to make North Dakota their home and Zimmerman’s their future.