City of Bismarck Snow Removal Operations

Via press release:

The City of Bismarck Roads and Streets Department crews have completed snow emergency routes and are currently working on major arterial streets and school emergency routes. They will  move into residential areas later this evening.

When City crews move into the residential areas later this evening, they will make one pass with the snow plow in each direction through the center of the road for now, to provide for emergency vehicle access to residential areas and to allow residents to get out as soon as possible.  Their priority is to provide residents with access to be able to travel on residential streets. Citizens are advised that City crews will come back later to plow the road all the way to the curb.

Please view the Snow Emergency Route map at

We ask the citizens work with their neighbors to open up driveways and mailboxes.  We want to thank the citizens and business for their cooperation during this spring blizzard.

A reminder to businesses and residents: Please move vehicles off streets to aid in snow removal operations.

According to City Ordinance a person may not move, dump or deposit by any means any snow or ice accumulated on private property onto any public street, alley, or public right-of-way.  The fine for this violation is up to $1,000.

It is the property owner’s responsibility to clear snow around their mailbox.  For cluster boxes, it is the responsibility of all the mail recipients to clear the snow from around the box.

Please visit for more information.