Bismarck’s First National Bank became established in 1879 when its founding members signed articles of incorporation at the Merchants Bank building. Doctor Henry Porter, Asa Fisher, Walter Mann, George Fairchild, and Daniel Eisenberg were elected directors. Other prominent stakeholders at the time included John McLean, John Yegen, Mrs. W.B. Shaw, and the infamous Elizabeth McClellan – known by most as “Little Casino.”
The First National Bank building constructed in 1883 will be Bismarck’s largest private building for many years. It was erected on the northwest corner of Main Avenue and 4th Street for $65,000. The building was the largest destroyed during the 1898 fire. A two-story replacement was rebuilt on the site.
When the telephone arrived in 1901, the switchboard was located at the First National Bank building.
In 1929, First National Bank was sold to First Bank Stock Corporation of Minneapolis (now U.S. Bank).