Mid Dakota Clinic

Mid Dakota Clinic is primary care health facility affiliated with Essentia Health. It formed in 1971 as the result of merging two other local clinics: Capital City and Missouri Valley. Despite its long-standing history of cooperation with nearby Saint Alexius, Sanford Health unsuccessfully attempted to acquire Mid Dakota Clinic, in a process that spanned between 2016-2019. The resulting acquisition would have merged the city’s two largest primary care clinics. Instead, Mid Dakota Clinic merged with Essentia Health in October 2022.

Missouri Valley Clinic was first organized in 1949 to succeed the Roan and Strauss Clinic that operated since 1909. At the time of merging, Missouri Valley Clinic operated out of the same building that continues to house Mid Dakota Clinic to this day, on the northeast corner of Ninth Street and Rosser Avenue directly across from Saint Alexius. Originally standing 54 feet by 130 feet, the two-story clinic was first constructed in 1953 for about $200,000. A $3.2-million addition was completed in 1992, which added a $2.4-million, 30,000-square-foot wing to its east and a skyway connecting to Saint Alexius.

Capital City Clinic formed in 1956. It operated from the Cowan Drug Building until 1962 when it relocated into the former Admiral Hotel, which closed the previous December. The Admiral Hotel building was located on the east side of Sixth Street between Broadway and Main Avenues – immediately north of the former Lamborn Hotel that once housed Saint Alexius Hospital.

To this day, Mid Dakota still operates out of the former Missouri Valley Clinic on the northeast corner of 9th Street and Rosser Avenue, directly across the street from Saint Alexius hospital. The building was originally constructed in 1953 and completed a $3.2 million addition in 1992, which added a $2.4 million 30,000-square-foot wing to its east end and a skyway connecting to Saint Alexius.
