Northridge Elementary School

Northridge is a Bismarck elementary school located near 3rd Street and Divide Avenue. It was completed in 1954 with five classrooms. Its name was chosen simply due to its location just west of the Northridge Addition.

Northridge more than doubled in size in 1961, adding 13 classrooms to the east (to a total of 18), and a gymnasium, administration offices, and play/multipurpose room (beneath the gymnasium) to the west. A janitor’s apartment was also added, and the basement was remodeled for the cafeteria.

The expansion cost of $337,043 against a budget of $402,137.

By the next year, Northridge was already at capacity and considering another expansion or portable classrooms.

Another addition, to the northeast in 1966 for roughly $190,000, added nine classrooms and a library, which itself was relocated and expanded in 1986.
