Schultz Newspaper Ad From 1940
Schultz Creamery was a local dairy company, mostly known for its Dairy Maid and Deja Moo lines. The creamery was located at 1221 Front Avenue.
Schulz Creamery evolved into a multi-million dollar regional dairy producer, at one time being Burleigh County’s only privately owned creamery. Over the years, products produced at the Schultz Creamery have included milk, butter, ice cream, and cheese, which was introduced in 1943.
The company was founded in 1934 (some sources say 1933, others 1935) by Enoch Schultz. It was taken over by his son, John, in 1967, who operated the company until selling to Fargo native Jim Odney in 1997.
Odney introduced the Deja Moo line of products in 2000, which became the company’s principle brand henceforth.