Eco Chic Relocating; Dietz Paint & Glass Closing Retail Division


Two local businesses are seeing change… one is relocating and another closing down part of its business.

Eco Chic

Currently located across from Scotty’s Drive-in on East Broadway, Eco Chic will soon be relocating to downtown Bismarck into the space formerly occupied by Tricia’s Bakery, at 413 East Broadway. Originally opened in Fargo, Eco Chic opened its Bismarck store in 2013. The store offers Earth-friendly products, including furniture, jewelry, and accessories.

Dietz Paint & Glass

After almost 40 years, Dietz Paint & Glass is shuttering its retail division – citing a lack of qualified help as the cause. Dietz will remain operating in the contracting business, however, operating under the Roy H Dietz & Sons banner.
